I thought I would compile a few things that most of us know already. I just think maybe we should all be reminded sometimes in the event we get lazy and let things happen that we shouldn't have. Oh well I'm sure you'll just call me nuts because I don't care about the parties and I won't be towing those lines.
- 1- The Federal Reserve is a private institution, owned by a secret society of extremely wealthy bankers. They print money and charge the people interest on that money. The majority of the Income tax paid by the people is actually used primarily to pay back this interest. Don’t believe me, look it up. Have fun
- 2- The current national debt is approaching $10 trillion, don’t worry though, this debt will be passed onto the next generation. Don’t believe me, look it up. Debt Clock
- 3- The Income Tax is in effect completely unconstitutional, the founders never intended there to be such a tax and this tax did not exist until 1913. Don’t believe me, look it up. It's a clear implication of Government ownership.Have Fun
- 4- In America welfare programs aren’t there to truly help the poor, they are mainly used to make sure the unwanted are kept in their place and under control. Don’t believe me, look it up. Welfare
- 5- Inflation is a tax on the poor and middle class, and the dollar is eroding its value at around 9% a year not the 3% the Federal Reserve reports. This is mostly due to the fact that the current GDP can’t afford annual Federal expenditure in excess of $3 trillion. Products don’t get more expensive, the market demands they get cheaper, actually what happens is the dollar loses it’s value. Don’t believe me, look it up. Inflation
- 6- The majority of all the media we currently have access to with the exception of the internet is owned and controlled by major corporations. You might find it interesting that they seem to control who wins or loses elections. Don’t believe me, look it up. Media
- 7- Politicians and corporations pit a 2 party system against each other to confuse the common public on issues that really make no difference in helping the common man. Liberals and Conservatives for the most part are bought and paid for and they continually quarrel over moral issues that have nothing to do with the current issues regarding currency, war, or civil rights. Don’t believe me, look it up. Party Time
- 8- So called free trade organizations (WTO, NAFTA, CAFTA) are anything but. Don’t believe me, look it up. Free Trade
- 9- Americans actually pay around 21% of their income to the income tax, yet few realize that while this is a large portion of taxation, it only makes up about half of what we pay in taxes. Don’t forget State and Local taxes, gas taxes, permit fees, etc. Don’t believe me, get a job and start working you’ll figure it out yourself.
- 10- On August 6, 2001 President Bush and his staff were given a memo from the Intelligence agencies of the United States. The memo was titled "Bin Laden determined to attack in the US", the memo outlined that there was significant evidence of possible terrorist attack on Washington and New York. After Condoleeza Rice, Dick Cheney and Paul Wolfowitz along with the President discussed the issue, they decided no action should be taken. Don’t believe me, look it up. Memo
- 11- Iraq not only had no weapons of mass destruction is also had absolutely no links to Al Queda, and was also meeting with UN demands. Don’t believe me, look it up. WMD
- 12- The US and its allies have either directly or indirectly killed millions of Iraqi’s through either sanctions or direct assault. Also the majority of those have been women and children. Don’t believe me, look it up. Dead Iraqi's
- 13- After the US invaded and took over Afghanistan toppling the Taliban, Opium production skyrocketed. This has allowed for a resurgence of Heroin and it’s now massive supply has dropped the cost so much so that many lower income children can now afford it in the form of "cheese". 100’s of American children have died from this epidemic. Don’t believe me, look it up. Opium
- 14- In order to pay for policing of the world, and ever increasing aid to Israel the USA has borrowed over $1 trillion from the Chinese. Don’t believe me, look it up.Debt
- 15- Lobbyist control what a big spending government does, they do it via large and wealthy groups and there are none larger than AIPAC. Scary stuff sure, but don’t worry they only want what’s in your back pocket unless you don’t feel like paying. (Oh and maybe they also want domination of the middle east, sure seems like it at least) Don’t believe me, look it up.
- 16- US interventions in the Middle East have already cost taxpayers $2 trillion, and most politicians expect us to be there for many more years to come. Don’t believe me, look it up. Oh boy
- 17- The Iraqi’s want the Coalition out of their country. They don’t just want the Coalition out, they sympathize with the Insurgents that attack them. Don’t believe me look it up.Iraqi Poll
- 18- The Government has decided that the country needs to add government controlled surveillance cameras to many major metropolitan cities across the US. The excuse they have provided is that these cameras will prevent suicide terrorism. These systems will cost taxpayers billions, yet I assure you this will not prevent suicide terrorism. Don’t believe me, well think about it.....
- 19- Eisenhower warned us of the Military industrial complex, looking around at the world of today I’d have to say we flat out ignored him. Don’t believe me, you’re nuts.....
- 20- Sometimes we as Americans must wake up and fix the problems associated with our system of government ourselves. I hope you read this and now you want to do something about it, before it gets any worse than it already is. Now is no time for apathy, it’s also no time to allow anyone else to make your decision regarding what candidate maybe right for office. I advise all Americans to rise up and find a candidate that knows the real issues affecting our great nation. Keep in mind that the media will label them as 2nd tier, longshots, or just plain kooky, when you find the candidate the media and the establishment doesn’t like, then that’s probably the people’s candidate. Don’t believe me, well then all hope is lost.
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